A Holistic Approach to Your Wealth
All aspects of a wealth plan should be viewed and assessed holistically as part of a comprehensive analysis that covers each component of your financial well-being.
Successful individuals and families tend to have an assortment of advisors and professionals addressing various components of their wealth. You likely have an accountant to help with income taxes and insurance professionals to assist with life, property, liability, and other insurance needs. You may also have an attorney to handle your estate, business, and legal concerns and various financial services professionals to assist with your cash and investment accounts. With so many advisors and professionals handling different areas of expertise, it can be difficult to employ a holistic perspective on your wealth.
As wealth grows, needs become more diverse, complex, and interrelated. This can often lead to gaps you may not be aware of in your wealth plan. Whether you are planning for a future wealth transfer, inheritance, or other financial event, CNR and your financial advisor are here to help you effectively navigate the complexities of wealth planning.
City National Rochdale’s Comprehensive Wealth Assessment is a complimentary, holistic service that focuses on identifying gaps and solutions. This in turn empowers you to make informed decisions that will serve to optimize your wealth throughout your lifetime.
Together, your financial advisor and CNR deliver a process designed to provide
you with intelligently personalized recommendations:
Once the assessment is complete, you and your financial advisor are well positioned to work with your
attorneys and accountants, as appropriate, to implement the recommended strategies.

Clients who can benefit most from a Comprehensive Wealth Assessment are those with at least $10MM in investable assets.
CNR’s holistic approach to assessing your wealth encompasses what we refer to as the Strategic Pillars of Wealth. These pillars enable CNR and financial advisors to expand wealth analysis and recommendations into areas that are often ignored or forgotten. We review all facets of your wealth by gathering important information, asking key questions to better understand and clarify your individual goals and objectives, identifying issues in what you are trying to accomplish, and presenting a customized wealth assessment to help you meet your needs.
How your financial advisor and CNR’s Comprehensive Wealth Assessment Service
can help address gaps in planning
- Do you have a financial plan or estate plan?
- When was the last time you re-assessed your financial goals or updated your estate plan?
- Have you undergone any recent life changes (e.g., marriage, birth of a child, death of a loved one, sold a business, etc.)?
- How do your existing documents distribute your assets upon your passing?
- How well prepared are you to deal with changes to the estate planning landscape from a legal and tax perspective?
Important Information
This document is for general information and education only. It is not meant to provide specific tax guidance. The information in this document was compiled by the staff of City National Rochdale (CNR) from data and sources believed to be reliable, but CNR makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. The opinions expressed, together with any estimates or projections given, constitute the judgment of the author as of the date of the presentation. CNR has no obligation to update, modify, or amend this document or otherwise notify you in the event any information stated, opinion expressed, matter discussed, estimate, or projection changes or is determined to be inaccurate.
City National, its managed affiliates and subsidiaries, as a matter of policy, do not give tax, accounting, regulatory, or legal advice. Rules in the areas of law, tax, and accounting are subject to change and open to varying interpretations. Any strategies discussed in this document were not intended to be used, and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding any tax penalties that may be imposed. You should consult with your other advisors on the tax, accounting and legal implications of actions you may take based on any strategies or information presented taking into account your own particular circumstances.
This presentation (or any portion thereof) may not be reproduced, distributed, or further published by any person without the written consent of CNR.
City National Rochdale, LLC is an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of City National Bank. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply any level of skill or expertise. City National Bank is a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Canada.
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