- Comprehensive Wealth Assessment
- Business Owner Advisory
- Trust & Estate Administration
Important Information
This web page is for general information and education only. It is not meant to provide specific tax guidance. The information in this web page was compiled by the staff of City National Rochdale (City National) from data and sources believed to be reliable, but City National makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. The opinions expressed, together with any estimates or projections given, constitute the judgment of the author as of the date of the presented data. City National has no obligation to update, modify, or amend this web page or otherwise notify you in the event any information stated, opinion expressed, matter discussed, estimate, or projection changes or is determined to be inaccurate.
City National, its managed affiliates and subsidiaries, as a matter of policy, do not give tax, accounting, regulatory, or legal advice. Rules in the areas of law, tax, and accounting are subject to change and open to varying interpretations. Any strategies discussed in this document were not intended to be used, and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding any tax penalties that may be imposed. You should consult with your other advisors on the tax, accounting and legal implications of actions you may take based on any strate-gies or information presented taking into account your own particular circumstances.
This presentation is not to be construed as investment advice or as an offer, or solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any financial in-strument. Financial instruments discussed in this presentation may not be suitable for your individual circumstances. You should make your own investment decisions, using an independent advisor if prudent, based on your own investment objective and financial situation.
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